March 16, 2017 News and Views No Comments

Activity is the only way to increase sales.

Without sales, your business is dead. There is one way to create sales, and that is by activity. No activity, no sales, so here are 3 things to look at to increase your activity:

1. Create a pipeline.  Make a list of all of your customers. When did you last speak to them? It may be time for a visit.

List your outstanding quotes and proposals. Where are you up to with each of them? Can any be committed?

2. Rattle some cages. Put a plan together to get your pipeline activity done: who will do what and by when?

3. Be visible. Display the action that needs to be done on a whiteboard for all to see and update each outcome as it is completed.

Action: Make sure these three points are actioned by the end of next month.

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Written by Hounsell Accounting Ltd